
Cover Art by Harkalé Linaï

Years after Hidden City, not everyone is convinced that peace is possible. Battles in space are still common and people struggle to work through their differences. To prevent the strained peace treaties from falling apart, a new planet for prisoners is terraformed. While the planet is being prepared, all the prisoners are placed on a continent anxiously awaiting their fate where dangerous animals can tear through the prison’s defenses.

Calix became a dragon warrior to avoid shapeshifters who didn’t consider him one of them. Now he is struggling to accept himself as a telepath. As a Hidden City warrior, he sees the conflicts in space and understands why Vastus and Carcer are necessary. Can Calix conquer his fears and find value in his new skills?


Abigail Ruiz Strilic Velur

Born: El Cuervo

Parents: Admiral Wade Strilic and Captain Valentina Ruiz

Spouse: Param Velur

Weight: 49 kg

Height: 161 cm

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Title and Skills: Engineering Commander, Mechanical Engineering Prodigy, Resourceful Inventor, Talented Pilot, Peace Bringer


“Rebuilding this relic is going to be exciting!” Flight to Bern Village

“We’re human engineers. Our own species labels half of us with emotional disorders in a vain attempt to understand us.” Dragon Warriors

“Gail swung around in the pilot’s chair, watching numbers flash in front of her. If Gail constantly adjusted the numbers to prevent her engines from exploding, she could increase the ship’s speed. Countless disasters could turn her one-week buffer into two hours. She would push El Cuervo as quickly as she safely could.” Dragon Warriors

“There is always a way to escape.” Carcer

#JaronOsiar #Gail #VastusArt

Announcing Carcer

Carcer will be part of the Vastus universe, but can be enjoyed on its own. Though reading the Vastus series is not necessary, Carcer will contain spoilers for the Vastus series. It occurs six years after Hidden City and primarily follows Calix, a dragon warrior and a healer. I am working on edits now.


I started a new page for characters. Here is one of the character descriptions:

Artwork by: Justin Donaldson

Born: Glanton, Peace Island, Indago Solar System

Weight: 71 kg

Height: 179 cm

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Green

Titles and Skills: Dragon Leader, Healing Director, Hidden City Warrior, Master, Warrior, Healer, Aurium Archer

“Darian gaped at Elaina. ‘You’ve been holding out on us, Elaina.’

Elaina shook mud off her shoes. ‘I wasn’t allowed to use a shield before.’

‘And I was concerned when I heard about you walking in the forest with Davu after you arrived.’ Louie’s lips curled up in a smile.

‘Dangerous animals do live in the forest.’

‘Dangerous animals or animals in danger of attacking you?’”

From: Dragon Warriors