Dragon Egg Cave

In the mountains, on the other side of the island, the revgiln rested in their eggs, hopeful of a new life. The last chime from a recorder in the cave cleared their memories, leaving the revgiln to rediscover who and what they were, then the recorder disintegrated, leaving behind no evidence of advanced technology. Flight to Bern Village

#DragonEggs #JaronOsiar #Cave #PencilSketch

Kindle Unlimited

I have decided to expand distribution of the Vastus series and will be withdrawing my books from Kindle Unlimited. They will still be available through Amazon.com as an ebook and in print. January 31st will the last day to read Vastus: Flight to Bern Village through Kindle Unlimited. Vastus: Dragon Warriors will be available until March 10th.

Master Kijani and Tvuna’s House

Floor plan from Bern Village archives

Master Kijani and Tvuna own a standard, Bern Master home that is connected to a training field. Elaina stays in Bedroom 4, between Jessi and a guest room. Mehdi and Darian live in Bedrooms 1 and 2. Mehdi, Darian and Jessie have a spare bed in their rooms for guests. Each bedroom has a window, covered with thick drapes. The kitchen, living room and study have two windows. The kitchen stove rests on a brick floor with a cooking top. Polished, stone counters line two of the kitchen walls. A small fireplace in the master bedroom keeps the chill away during cold winter nights and makes it easier to heat bath water.