
Planet of Origin: Mendje

Adult Weight: About 90 Kg

Adult Wingspan: About 7 M

Flight Speed: 350 km/hr

Characteristics: Hravdeth are carnivorous, reptilian birds with good maneuverability. Horns line the leading edge of their wings. They also have horns on top of their head. The can become animal wraiths.

Artwork by: @Harkale_Linai

“A flock of enormous birds circled Endre, swooping down then shooting back into the sky, like a murky waterfall, flowing through the clouds.”



Planet of Origin: Mendje

Height: 2 M

Top Running Speed: 50 km/hr.

Typical Herd Size: 2-4

Characteristics: Carnivorous, determined, brutal when they attack, cuts from their horns often become infected.

“A chill cascaded down Elaina’s spine. Sventock could track their prey for weeks. If they were thirty kilometers away, Master Crevan might have hours or a day, depending on how quickly they were traveling.” Dragon Warriors

A sventock charged from the forest with one of Elaina’s arrows already in its neck. Three arrows pierced the hide. An enormous crash shook the forest, making Elaina’s heart freeze in terror. The sventock was down, but five others were still charging, flinging snow and mud into the air as they tore through the forest.Dragon Warriors

Thyliani Flower

#JaronOsiar #Vastus #Flower #Sketch

Flowers of various colors with green, blue, and purple leaves and blue stems. The blossoms open at night and close during the day. The entire plant needs to stay shaded. It can heal many infections. The bulb center is tender and nutritious. It almost tastes like ginger pudding.

Height: 50 cm

Attributes: Heals infections, nutritious

“Master Crevan swiftly finished wrapping the bandage around Ranvir’s arm then strode to Elaina. His face paled. ‘She has an infection. Kiku, I saw several thyliani flowers on our way here, about a hundred meters away. Havard, go with her . . .'” Dragon Warriors

“Elaina glanced at Svilgt Tydun’s arm where a mesmerizing scar curved around then turned sharply, weaving around his forearm. It almost looked like a thyliani flower.” Southern Alliance